
Join the Fort Morgan Civic Association

The Fort Morgan Civic Association is comprised of property owners, business owners, permanent residents and others interested in the preservation of the Fort Morgan Peninsula. To become a voting member, you must own or reside permanently on property in this area. Associate (non-voting) members need not reside or own property here. Dues are $25 per year and include receipt of the monthly Fort Morgan NEWS. To become a member, follow either Membership Application process by mail or Apply Online as follows:

Apply Online:

1. Click Here to access our online membership form. Complete and submit the form through your web browser.

Apply by Mail:

1. Click Here to open the membership form
2. Open and fill in the form from your web browser
3. Print the completed form
4. Write check for $25
5. Mail membership form and check to:
Fort Morgan Civic Association
P.O. Box 5313
Gulf Shores, AL 36547

Click Here to view the FMCA Bylaws

Executive Board

President: Joe Emerson
Vice President: Clark Strong
Treasurer: Greg Strategier
Secretary: Ed Mowen